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Related article: overstated. One author Cefaclor Antibiotic found that "[b]y mid-1999, over 100 million adults within the U.S. were using the Internet, up from Cefaclor 500mg 65 million the previous year and 43 million the year before. By Order Cefaclor 2003, the number Cefaclor Generation of adults online is predicted to grow to 177 million." [155] Perusing health information remains one of the principal reasons Cefaclor Antibiotics Americans use the Internet. [156] Last year, as many as seventy million adults in the United States used online sources to meet their health-related Cefaclor Cost needs. [157] The growth of organizations whose goals are to ensure that online sources provide only accurate and safe information parallels the expansion of these websites. {45} Several non-profit groups formed websites to monitor and Cefaclor Price to provide information about health-related sites. For example, The Foundation for Accountability's ["FACCT"] mission is to guarantee that health information on the Internet is Buy Cefaclor Online "clear [and] accurate." [158] To accomplish its mission, FACCT uses instruments geared towards aiding Americans' understanding of health information. [159] Another organization, Geneva's Health on the Net Foundation, utilizes a self-governing seal of approval, known as "HONcode," Cefaclor Generic to signify its approval of health-related websites. [160] Cefaclor 250mg Subscribing websites may display this seal provided they follow the principles of HONcode. [161] Finally, according to one author, other "[w]atchdog groups like Cefaclor Ceclor Science in the Public Interest Buy Cefaclor also periodically review health-related websites and issue warnings when they discover misleading and inaccurate information." [162] 2. Solutions for Cyberdocs {46} Initiatives to protect cyberdoctors from sky-rocketing liability have also been proposed. One solution proposes codification of medical malpractice rules at the Buy Cheap Cefaclor federal level. [163] This Cefaclor Monohydrate scheme grants federal licensing to all Board certified practitioners, who would be Purchase Cefaclor seen Purchase Cefaclor Online in the eyes of the law as being visited in their home state when practicing over the Internet for liability purposes. [164] According to one author, "[s]tandards of care can Cefaclor Tablets be discerned through Order Cefaclor Online each board certified practice specialty." [165] Because no such measure has been adopted by Congress, the medical community continues to search for ways to protect itself from liability while offering expertise to patients over the Internet. [166] 3. Medical Practice Guidelines: A Solution for Anyone? {47} The rising use Cefaclor Mg of non-conventional mediums to practice medicine removes many physical barriers to obtaining medical treatment. This removal may Cefaclor Cd allow shut-ins, the elderly, and the timid access to health care, provided they have a computer and an Internet connection. However, the increasing use of cybermedicine poses interesting questions concerning state licensure laws.